I found 'Ubuntu'-She lived in a stranger
Thursday, October 08, 2015Hey guys so I wasn't planning on posting until Sunday but something really amazing happened to me today and I just wanted to share with you.
So I decided to take a break from studying by taking a walk to Checkers (which is roughly 40-45 minutes from my place) to get a few stuff that I needed. A 'few things' turned into three very heavy grocery filled packets. There I was walking back with heavy packets,sweating like I was running a marathon and feeling my hands begin to swell from the pressure the packets were exerting on them. I reached a robot and as I was waiting to cross I noticed a girl standing there waiting as if she's also waiting to cross to my side of the road. The robot turned green and as I got to the other side the girl looked at me with a bright smile and said ,'Yazi (You know) I was waiting for you,where are you going? Are you far from home?'. I looked at her with a very puzzled face and told her that I'm not too far from home,she then went on to offer to help carry one of my packets. 'Wait what? People still do that? I mean you don't even know me and here you are voluntarily offering to help',I thought to myself. I mean c'mon you can't really blame me for thinking that,I hadn't experienced an act of kindness from a complete stranger in years. So there I was walking with this sweet girl having a chilled conversation about the usual things (which school we each go to,what courses are we doing,are we originally from Durban etc etc). Whilst we're conversing she tells me a very interesting thing about herself that I don't think she goes around telling people,let alone strangers. She tells me that she was at Rhodes University studying Law for 2years but she just wasnt enjoying it so she decided to drop out and come back home where she's currently at a flight school pursuing her true passion and dream. She tells me all this with a bright cheery smile and I can tell that she's definitely happy about her decision and she doesn't regret any of it. Her parents weren't too supportive at first though,but they've accepted it and are really supportive now she goes on to tell me. She tells me that she can't take me too far as my route isn't where she was headed,before we depart I realise that I hadn't even gotten her name,so I say 'Thank you so much for all the help,may God bless you and by the way my name is Miranda'. She looks at me and starts laughing before replying 'OMW (Oh my word) sorry,my name is Siya and it's honestly a pleasure. You're going to be okay from here?'. I look around and realise that I'm just about 5 minutes away from my place,so I assure her that she's been a great help and that I'll be fine and we say our final goodbyes.
As I was walking the rest of the way home alone God helps me realise a few things and that meeting Siya wasn't just a coincidence but it was purpose filled. I realise that doing what you love is really important no matter what other people may think. It's really no use studying a degree for 3-4years without truly enjoying it and sticking it through because it would make your family proud and well it will give you the big bucks but you'll spend the rest of your life hating waking up in the morning to go to work. I know that this is a rather sensitive subject because we all need money to survive and a good pay check at the end of the month to help meet our needs,but honestly your happiness is very important. I know of people who have resigned and quit their jobs because they weren't happy,and some were really earning the big bucks,so you see money is important but not as much as your happiness and wellbeing but that's a topic for another day.
What I really want to highlight is the act of Ubuntu Siya showed,it reminded me that all is not lost in our generation. That there are people who have compassion out there. It also left me feeling a bit challenged because I'm not always jumping up at the opportunity to help a stranger because well you just don't know who to trust in this world anymore. Even the most innocent looking people can be quite dodgy,and having been a victim of crime once (I've been mugged and stabbed before) I tend to be overly cautious when it comes to interactions with strangers. That being said I won't let my bad experience stand in the way of helping out someone who's in need,that I know I can help in one way or the other. (I am however part of a community outreach committee on campus but I feel that's slightly different,as the people we help are strangers but atleast to a certain extent can be trusted because they belong to an orphanage,an old age home,a disabled persons rehabilitation home etc.,what I'm talking about here is a spontaneous act of kindness to an absolute stranger)
How comfortable are you in helping strangers? Do you still believe in 'Ubuntu'? I'd like to hear from you so don't be afraid to comment below or we can have this conversation on my Facebook page. Whichever suits you :)
Look forward to hearing from you,but for now imma bounce!
Miranda_deigh x♡