Later,next year maybe?
Monday, October 05, 2015
I look around and all I see is progression. People around me are moving,doing,achieving,hustling,trying,failing and all the while I'm just well chilling and rooted on the same spot. I've been standing here for quite a while now just observing all this action happening around me. You ask yourself why aren't I part of the hustle and bustle I'm busy admiring? Well I've got one word for you, actually make that three, 'I’m a procrastinator'.
Okay before you jump the gun and start calling me lazy let me explain. I have ideas but I'm not sure if they'll work because I haven't exactly tried them, I know I can qualify for that job but I'm not sure if I'm what they're looking for ,I do have some sort of game plan it's just never been put to action, let’s just say I'm waiting for the right time. You see I'm the type of person who likes to plan but I just haven't done anything yet, that doesn't make me lazy right?. I just postpone things for later, for when I'm ready, for when I fully believe in my plan of action and I know when to execute it. Besides I'm quite comfortable where I am right now and I don't really see the need to start moving anytime soon. I've marked my territory and named it 'Comfort zone'.
Sure opportunities do come and present themselves but arg I'm just not sure I'm ready you know?. I just don't really think it's going to work out anyway. I fully believe in the saying 'Rather the devil you know than the one you don’t’. I know my life can progress and be better than what it is,heck I'm surrounded by progression but later(okay maybe next year) is the time I'll 'start' thinking about doing something. I did tell you earlier that 'I'm a procrastinator' but I'm sure you are too.
Does anything in the above scenario sound familiar?. I know to me it does. I'm the biggest procrastinator you could ever find. I'm just always waiting for the 'right' time, waiting for that moment when I'll be fully ready. I realised I was even postponing important things that mattered to me (making posts on my blog) because I just didn't think whatever content I had was 'blog worthy' enough. Then yesterday at church someone mentioned a vision they had that God had shown them and they were being lead to share with the congregation. So she shared that God had shown her a picture of a very old lady who was hunched over and she had a sense that God was telling her that someone was living their life crippled by fear, that they were afraid of living out in full freedom and because of the fear they were now like an old lady. I sat there thinking 'Geez God what a funny sense of humour you have' and brushed what had been said aside. The service proceeded and as we were singing the words:
'To the ends of the earth we will go
To the ends of the earth we will go
Fill us with power, fill us with power
For the truth of Your word we will stand
For the truth of Your word we will stand
Give us Your courage, give us Your courage'
from Tim Hughes' 'Give us your courage' as a closing song I felt God say to me 'You've been living like an old lady for some time now, come to me so I may give you courage and set you free from the chains of fear'. I was completely gobsmacked at that revelation because all along I thought I was being 'cautious' and that it was a normal thing to procrastinate but I hadn't realised that I was living out of fear. I was scared to fail(well still am) but I was even more scared to fail because I had been doing things on my own, relying on my strength and that's why I was so afraid of doing.
If you can relate to what I've just said I want to remind you that you're never alone, as long as you remember that God is with you in all things you shouldn't be scared to put things into action. In Psalms 37:5 (MSG) it says ' Open up before God, keep nothing back; He’ll do whatever needs to be done', so you see there really isn't anything to be worried about if u involve God in everything. The saying 'There's no better time than now' is quite good to practice especially in situations like these.
In closing I just want to end this post with the powerful and encouraging words taken from Deuteronomy 31:6 MSG
“Be strong. Take courage. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t give them a second thought because God , your God, is striding ahead of you. He’s right there with you. He won’t let you down; he won’t leave you.”
Be movers and shakers.
Miranda_deigh x♡